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Elite Journal: Walking back from the Abyss
Oct 20, 2017

Starting over in this vast universe by turning back the clock is something many of us would like to do, but the facts are, no matter how close you come to the Black Hole, time only marches forwards. While it may have made life less complicated, losing my ship and finding myself back in the Sidewinder certainly didn’t make things easier, but as I record this entry, I already find myself back in the fight.

I started out by bounty hunting, acting as a wingman to security forces in LTT 4961. Picking and choosing targets, I could quite easily punch well above my weight; The security forces would keep the criminals busy any time I needed to move away for shield regeneration, and I quickly found myself able to climb the ship ladder once again.

Once I had a decent amount of credits together, I decided to try to make friends with some of the ship engineers I’d heard so much about while I was exploring. Some wanted credits, others wanted precious metals, but they all wanted materials – and lots of them. I spent some time running around on some planets in the Scarab SRV and my Asp, collecting all that I could…

Once I had established a relationship with some of the engineers, I realized I was going to need a lot more funding in order to properly outfit one of the higher level ships again. I moved into a Lakon Type 9, and ran some large scale trading runs within the main bubble of populated space.

With the Thargoid threat on the horizon, the universe feels eerily quiet… I didn’t even feel any real threat from pirates, despite running around with a full cargohold in a T9. Where were they? What is everyone up to? Maybe once I have outfitted a higher-end ship like the Python, I’ll try to see where everyone went…

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